Game Mode Idea - Hide and Seek

Posted by Steve

Thursday, April 22, 2021 1:00 AM

5v5, everyone is Yoru, 6 rounds, 3 each side.

Now for the special rules.

  • You only get the gatecrash ability off the start of each round and more abilities can't be bought.
  • If you gatecrash is active and you die you respawn instantly full health with the guns you had at your gatecrash (like you took it instead of dying, like phenix ult)
  • You can't manually reactive gatecrash
  • Gatecrash does not time out while active
  • If your gatecrash is destroyed or consumed (from your death) you will get another after a cooldown (to be balanced in testing, initial thoughts was around 15 seconds)
  • If you get a kill you earn one blindside
  • If you get an assist you earn one fakeout

It's just a silly idea but would be interesting to see how people use and defend their 'revive orb' while trying to kill others. It needs some mechanic to force players to move out of spawn and I imagine off the start everyone would place their orb in their own spawn. But one enemy could sneak an orb into your spawn die and get in.

It could use some tweaks but though of it in the shower and it seemed like a simple to implement game that might be fun. Orrrrrrrrr just a campfest IDK



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