Game sense > Aim?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 19, 2022 5:48 AM

I recently hit Plat. Was Gold for a bit more than a month. I already felt the difference in play styles. Plats play a lot faster, and more decisive. I usually lurk and it doesn’t work in this Gold-Plat elo like it used to in Silver-Gold.

I do not have the best of aims and reflex (might be because I am already 31 haha).

My HS rate actually dropped from 19% to 16%. But I felt like my game sense is the reason why I was able to climb a lot quicker this time.

I was hard stuck in Bronze-Silver elo for more than a year. Haha. The question is: how far will game sense take me? Is it possible to keep improving my game sense but aim remains mediocre, average at best?



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