Posted by Steve
Saturday, February 5, 2022 12:02 PM
Hey Everyone! Just got out of a ranked game and I've just had a couple of thoughts. I've been playing since the last act in episode one. My highest peak was gold two solo-queuing and I've reached that a couple of times but having a full-time job only lets me play so much sometimes. Since this new season came out, I was placed in silver 1 where I've been for a little bit now just because I haven't played that much. The games I do play, however, seem to be a rollercoaster of emotions. Everyone says it "omg silver is ELO hell". While that is somewhat true, I also don't believe it always to be the case. I believe for the most part that it is just the mindset and the actual IQ of the players that make it seem like ELO hell. Players in silver, and sorry to be harsh, don't use their heads. They don't communicate, they're not in the correct position, and they aren't smart with their utilities! I mean some games you're going to get a bit of skill gap between players (especially this episode since everyone is mashed together) but you can still think yourself through situations. I'm tired of watching teammates mindlessly play by themselves or walk around mid-map not giving any intel while most of us are trying to entry, or dying and seeing them have a full utility bar. I get the argument of ELO hell but IMO it's because you have so many players that are actually missing the core piece of the game and that's your game sense. People worry too much about aim training when knowing what situationally is just as important or even more.
I know I could get flamed for this post for people saying "yeah whatever you're just low ELO and your mad cause your hard stuck in it". I would rather get rolled in a match with players that have good game sense than be team MVP and lose cause of my teammate's inability to think. If you watch any pro team or high immortal-radiant streams, they are talking constantly and they're always guessing where their opponent is going to be. N0thing and Hiko are two great examples. They'll talk their chat through situations while they are playing and also communicate to their team what they want from their teammates mid-round to help benefit the team.
It's just the little things that can make you better in a game like this. I hope this doesn't come off negative anyway or make it seem like I have an ego, but these are things I just notice in low ELO. I hope to get back into gold this act again by playing a couple of games here and there but so far the grind is mentally unraveling me.
Thank you!
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