Posted by Steve
Monday, December 5, 2022 5:33 PM
Hey ya'll, if riot goes ahead with this ridiculously stupid self heal nerf, what are the situations in which it's appropriate to use it on yourself? There's a few straightforward scenarios:
- you're last alive
- your teammate on other side of map and just you and the 1 teammate left
But lets say on a rifle round where there's two teammates alive and both teammates are at 150. In this case it only makes sense to self heal if your HP is between 10 and 39, or 50 and 79 since that will allow you to survive a 2nd vandal bodyshot. If you're under 10, it won't make a significant difference, if you're under 50 but over 39, it won't make a significant difference.
Exceptions to the above could be made if your opponent is a viper who has a molly left, a phoenix, a kj, sova, etc. But even then, if you have two teammates left, it seems like your best bet if you're at 49hp is to just hide and heal your teammate as soon as they take any damage.
edit for these types of answers: "They have literally improved it to a full heal on teammates." "A sentinel is meant to play for the team, not for themselves."
It was already 100 before they nerfed it originally. And clearly riot disagrees with the notion that she should not be able to support herself because well, self heal is still in the game, and has always been in the game. The problem is that making it 30 makes it almost pointless to even have it. Skye is an initiator, how come she can heal teammates at all? Omen is a controller, why does he have a flash? Regardless of whether or not you think she should or should not be able to heal herself, she can, but making the ability almost pointless is ridiculous. This is like changing kayo knife to a slightly larger diameter but then making the suppression only last 1 second. Would you then claim it's a buff because "iT sTiLl gIveS iNfO!!"
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