Posted by Steve
Monday, April 17, 2023 10:07 PM
So I've been playing for 7 mos already and recently I hit Silver. I've been bronze 1 in the last act and now I'm silver 1.
And to actually say, I think I've improved (with the help of my friends as well) although I still don't memorize all of the callouts. Sometimes I solo but sometimes I also play with them in compe. The thing is I think my rank is too far or when a friend who's in a higher rank (gold) is inviting me to their lobby idk It's just I don't think I belong in that elo yet. Like Idk but does each lobbies have difference with their gameplay?
Like bronze/silver/gold elos? Like does gold players usually have some strategies/difference in their gameplay with each ranks? Like prediction/tips/fake planting/excessive gamesense/kills, etc. Idk. I'm just trying to get better and maybe there are tips that could help me besides practicing my aim (which is I'm still of course my top priority) just wanna know how elo players play in their lobbies.
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