Posted by Steve
Sunday, December 20, 2020 1:43 AM
Hey Valorant, hope it's cool if I drop into your community to ask a question.
My son is an avid player, it's all he seems to want to do. As his dad, I wish there was something else he was this passionate about, but given my history as an old skool gamer from the Atari/Commodore 64 era, I'm not surprised that his passion lies where it is.
I do my best to be supportive of him and try to prop him up when he's having a bad game or dealing with bad team mates (which seems to be the majority of the time). But not being an actual player of the game, there's only so much I can offer.
That said, I'm curious how this community feels about the idea of coaching? Does anyone have any experience with it? I've looked around at some of the services available, but I don't know which is the best, or if they're even worth it.
All feedback is welcome, I just want to be the best gamer Dad I can be, does that make sense? Are there other things I can lead him towards that will help his game?
Fantastic group by the way, really great to see how positive everyone here seems to be.
Edit: Wow, thanks everyone for responding. So many generous offers and great suggestions. I will definitely be following up with my son about all the awesome information I’ve been able to gather today.
And sorry some of your Dad’s weren’t as supportive as they could have been. It’s a tough thing to watch your kid obsess over a game. Hope you’re all doing well.
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