Get rid of your damn ego in this game.

Posted by Steve

Sunday, March 13, 2022 12:31 AM

Players with ego are the worst.

Instalocks especially, not only these ego players doesn't want to push for the team, they always lurk mid every round and dies to the same enemy again and again then proceed to blame the team for being useless when we had to follow the other duelist.And the most important for these instalocks, even when they pushed for the team, they always push through smokes and mollies, making it more difficult for us to trade.

Then there's the players where they think kills more important than winning when they get easy entry/exit frags from information, such as Sova arrows and Skye's dog.

Then there's the Sherlock Holmes Shahzam wannabe in game leader, telling the whole team what to do and proceed to blame and cry after we stop listening. And worse is that they don't give info when they die or how they die, they give you the most blatant info when the enemy is literally right in front of you watching you play, distracting all your thoughts and focus. Seriously just give us info and suggestions, not instructions. So many rounds me or my random teammates could had won if they won't stop yelling "Don't peek, Don't peek!" obstructing us from hearing enemy footsteps.

Seriously no one cares if you perform bad. Just keep your mouth shut when your dead, the only thing people wanna hear is info. They are also the type that would get offended when you tell them to shut up or shush.



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