Getting mocked because of my voice

Posted by Steve

Thursday, September 15, 2022 10:21 PM

Hello guys and girls.

First of all I'm an introvert with a decently low self-esteem and a pretty deep voice.

In about 30% of the games I just need to say "hello guys" and people are starting to make their own voice deeper to imitate mine and just repeat what I said along with some bad puns. It's mostly kids who do this, but I have to admit that it annoys me very hard. I know it shouldn't annoy me, but it just makes me not wanna talk for the rest of the game.

So I just wanted to say. Please don't do this. For some people, it's hard enough to communicate. It doesn't help if you make fun of them. Maybe it's fun for you. But for me it's just intimidating.

Thanks for your attention



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