Getting older sucks

Posted by Steve

Saturday, March 12, 2022 6:16 PM

Anyone else feel like they are just getting old and worse at games? I am 32, have two kids, run a business, and have a wife. I manage to get 2 games in a day. I have a long competitive gaming history, with some ESEA A for relevance sake. I have also been tracking my statistics like headshot accuracy, reaction time, and KD with programs like Kovaaks for many years.

It feels like every act I’m getting worse and worse at the game. Granted, my aim is suffering because of work. I run a tile company and my hands are ruined from the past 8 years of tiling already. They are always sore and tight no matter how much I stretch and soak them. With that lame excuse aside I just feel like a fuckin boomer lately. My reaction speeds went from 150ms average to nearly 300ms. I have a harder time making clutch decisions. The only thing that’s improved is my positivity while playing. I never get triggered anymore.

I know a lot of people will say 32 isn’t that old, but it’s just different. I’ve tracked my stats for a long time and when you see numbers slipping and there’s nothing that’s helping sucks.

Maybe it’s time to give up competitive gaming and just sit back and enjoy games for what they are.

TLDR: Someday you will feel washed up. Some people degrade faster than others.

EDIT: I see a lot of people commenting on how it’s not because I’m getting older, but instead because I’m not getting sleep. However, you are overlooking the fact that I cannot get any additional sleep because of my schedule, which is a product of getting older and growing. Personally, I think they are synonymous. Even just a few years back before we had my second child I had much more time. As you age and hit “life milestones”, this is a product of such.



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