Posted by Steve
Saturday, September 24, 2022 3:38 PM
Hi gamers!!
I'm an Astra main, and have been playing her for about 2 months (she's super fun!) I was wondering what y'all thought about a possible buff for her ability to recall stars - specifically the "fake" smoke that appears for a moment before it quickly disappears.
I've noticed my teammates often treating my fake smokes as if they were a real smoke. Despite calling out "Hey, I'm faking Heaven" or "Short-smoking long" or something, they tend to stop holding the area entirely and move away, which leaves the angle exposed. This also happens when recalling stars without the intention of using them as fake smokes! This likely wouldn't be an issue in higher ranks, but around the Gold-Diamond skill level, people rarely listen to comms and callouts.
My idea was to give the fake smoke its own team-sided sound effect. Enemies near a fake-smoke wouldn't be able to distinguish the sound from a real smoke, however teammates would hear a distinct difference and know that they shouldn't abandon the angle.
Let me know what you think! It might help teammates understand Astra's abilities a little better after her mega-nerf a few months ago :) It won't exactly bring her back to her former power level, but it'd be a nice quality-of-life change to help the team!
TLDR: Give Astra's fake-smoke a team-sided and distinct sound effect!
~~^(and also reduce the star recharge time or give her another star ty riot <3)~~
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