Give players shopping carts when the round ends!

Posted by Steve

Friday, April 9, 2021 12:45 AM

You dont have to be a experenced valrant player to know that when the round ends , riot gives you a few seconds to run arond for a bit and maybe even kill someone. However, valrant vetrans like me who have been playeing the game for maney years , know that the end of the round is actually probly the MOST important part of the round. This is becuse thats when the whole team goes SHOPPING for skins on the ground. These few seconds will determeine wether or not you are ablle to pick up beter skins like prime vandle, prime odan, glichpoop phanatom, or even prime odan

Whenver I play, i make sure that if we kill all the atacker, but the bomb got planted , then to not defusse the bomb so That we can go SHOPPING for skins. Becuse there is so much skins that is OP in valrant, This is a big disvantage to us player who only got the BLACK vandle , juge,,or odan skins. People who alrady buyed the skins dont have to go shopping around the map that much for skins becuse they alrady got some.

Luckily for me, as a experenced valrant player for many years , I have masterred the abilitey to grab skins very quick. If your ever on my team, it Doesnt matter if Im on the other side of the map, if someone dies With a prime vandle I got the most powerfulest GAMESENSE to know wheare it got droped, so its gona get picked up ASAP as posible.

However, not alot of people is as fortunate as me to have such good game sense to know where the droped prime vandles and raver vandles are. This is my idea: riot gota add SHOPPING carts when the round ends so its eaisier to pick up more gun skins. This is so when we go shoping while someone Else is dafuseing the spike we Can get alot of cool skins.

Here is what shoping cart lookss like in Valrant:



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