Got vc and chat banned

Posted by Steve

Saturday, July 24, 2021 6:16 PM

Yesterday I played a game with a toxic player, he was telling everyone what to do and was bot fragger and everyone got really annoyed with him, then I had a round with 4vs1, i killed 3 but couldn't clutch the round and he started calling me a n*gga and a slave cuz i was playing raze and shes kinda black(?) Anyways everyone on my team reported it and told him that hes so fucked because its a seven day ban. He decided to tell the other team to report me for saying the n word, and when i defended myself they said they'll just report both and i was fine with that. Then like 2 hrs later I get a msg that im banned from chat and vc, with a following msg thanking me for reporting someone and that he got banned aswell..

Seems like riot are not even checking the reports but instead instantly banning players if a certain amount of people reported them..kinda absurd



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