(Guide) This Is How You Deal With Smurfs - 3 Simple steps

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, March 23, 2021 8:12 PM

(Guide) This Is How You Deal With Smurfs - 3 Simple steps

Video Version here, if you prefer that instead :)



Not those small little things, but we all know who im talking about.

So lets get straight into it.

Lets start by looking at some simple, but time proven strategies.

Step 1.

This First strat i name, The Law of the Jungle.

Any one watched the Lion king?

Have you seen that Hyena pack, taking down that mighty Lion?

Gang up on hes blue behind, what is the smurf to do. When three of you, have a go against him at the same time?

So how do you implement this ingame you ask?

First of all, you are after discovering patterns that occur in this smurfs playstyle, like what site he is on the defender side, and how he play as an attacker.

When you have these elements down.

Then Its simple:

Set up crossfire plays, what is (S)he gonna do when they get shot from three different spots at the same time.

Yes, run for mommy.

The next strat i name: For the mother land.

You can apply this strat ingame like this, the bravest one of you takes the bullets. And the smurfs attention. The next one goes in for a minimum of 50% damage, the third one finishes him off.

The smurf is now erased from the server. Well done.

Next strat is named: Click bait.

This smurf have highly trained mechanical skills, so whenever (s)he see a opponent, hes reflexes are gonna shot or at least move hes attention towards this player, because at higher level play, you have a small window of time to finish someone off, the smurf is going for that fast time to kill playstyle.

So, basically while one of you are busy, keep baiting him into clicking that left mouse button. And has hes attention, then the rest of you just finish him off. EZ PZ

The last strat for this fiirst step i call.

Hide and seek, championships.

Like the name suggests, you are gonna play this one out like you in the national tournament of hide and seek.

The element of suprice is key here, just pop out from different locations at same time. Done.

But all these strats, takes some time to implement as a team. But after a while they are gonna work.

I have used them over several years, they are battle tested.

And if you cant outplay them, use these strats to outsmart them.

It is not easy too erase a squad alone for the smurf. Round after round.

No one does that, so strenght in numbers.

Step 2

Do dumb stuff on purpouse, why you ask.

Simple go ahead and ask yourself this.

How in the name of the smurf village, is the smurf gonna predict what your next move is.

When you yourself, dont know what you are doing.

Now you see my point?

But be carefull, you can do this in a not to high risk manner, but still get higly rewarded.

Remember, we out here to outplay him by outsmarting that smurf. And take notes on this one, if it works it is not dumb.

Step 3

And this is where you implement the death blow.

Now that you have the smurf confused you do all kind of unpredictable stuff, remember brains over mechanical skills in all these scenarios above is crucial. And strenght in numbers.

Now you are in it for the cheesy plays, these smurfs have thousands of hours clocked in, with a spesific playstyle that is based on a different ranks mindsett that is based on the smurfs mindset of how to approach this game.

So you make this strenght, into hes weakness. Use that against him.

You are in it to frustrate the hell out of that smurf, there is nothing more frustrating for a smurf to get owned by the people, who he is there trying to own ingame for whatever reason.

Play this anti smurf style of play, be unpredictable.

And get in the head of that smurf.

Before you know it GG Smurf.

I would love too see some strats you guys have gotten away with against smurf in the coments below.

Hope you got some value out of this, stay tuned for the next one that is on its way before you know it.

Stay Blessed.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/mb35y2/guide_this_is_how_you_deal_with_smurfs_3_simple/
  • https://reddit.com/mb35y2

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