Posted by Steve
Thursday, October 27, 2022 5:05 AM
So I was playing comp solo (I play very less comp) and I was playing decent with omen. Our enemies were playing too good and ofc this started our breach to start shit talking. I thought they might be Smurfs or hardstuck silvers but after we were on attackers side, I started to see that they were five stacking where ever we were rushing and their killjoy literally peaking blindly and winning duels on her own. Backstabbing them was also useless since I got one tapped even after shift walking. The sad part about this match was about my teammates. They pretty much said that this was normal and they've faced hackers who have offered them that they can boost them(ofc for money). I feel like riot should ban all party members as these cheaters are simply gonna make a new account and start cheating again while the players who are hiring them are just eating our rr for nothing. I surely reported all of them but pretty sure riot isn't gonna listen as they're more focused on high elo games than these low elo drama. What you guys think about this?
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