Posted by Steve
Tuesday, January 24, 2023 7:29 PM
Heres a crash course in hack development if your interested...typically fringe developers have discord servers where they offer monthly subscriptions to personally made hacks that are not detectable.
Furthermore they only offer these hacks to people in their discord/people who have been vetted to keep the circulation of the hack low i.e. less likely to be detected.
When the hack gets detected, the dev sends a warning out on the discord, players stop using it, the dev makes some tweeks, and re releases it when ready.
Typically the older versions of hacks that have been detected in the past are the ones the end up freely available online.
Now that you know all this...a customer of one of these fringe developers recently released the private hack to the public at large. So ATM it's pretty easy to find a hack for valorant that is completely undetectable by vanguard... The player using it has to be manually reviewed and that typically happens once they've been reported enough times in succession.
If you think somebodies cheating report it every single time, even if they aren't...let riot figure it out. Yesterday I recieved 3 notices of valorant taking action against hackers in ranked matches within 30-45 minutes of encountering them so riot is clearly aware of the situation and taking action. I wouldn't be surprised if riot comes out with a message in the near future about some mass banning of hackers.
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