HARBOR's cascade should be Rotatable like a Sage Wall

Posted by Steve

Friday, December 16, 2022 1:29 AM

I've been trying out Harbor in ranked and I think you should be able to rotate the cascade like a Sage's barrier orb. It is difficult to align the cascade to deny vision without going in open. Often it leaves gaps that makes it easier for enemies to hold and peek from the side. Moreover it's very redundant to use a Cascade and a High Tide together due to these limitations because you're effectively smoking similar angles. Also it's difficult to help teammates lurking or running split site hits without revealing your own position.

So I think being able to rotate will allow for more creative plays allowing Harbor in to take space and will set it apart from its fellow controllers. What are your thoughts?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/zm9kkd/harbors_cascade_should_be_rotatable_like_a_sage/
  • https://reddit.com/zm9kkd

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