Hard fought win +21 (with performance bonus +5), and 3v5 with literal AFKs -20, how does the system work?

Posted by Steve

Sunday, December 11, 2022 12:02 AM

Can somebody explain it to me that how in the Kentucky fried chicken-wings does this system counts Rank Rating? Whenever I hardtry, give in my everything to the game, and help my team to victory (usually 2nd or 3rd best in team according to K/DA, but that is irrelevant given the fact that I usually play Sentinel and giving intel to my team) gives me +21 points fair and square, but when in the very next game I get 3 AFK players (one of them joined in and out many rounds) and cannot surrender right away, the system deducts -20 points. No wonder we lost 0-13 that match, we were heavily outnumbered. Can someone explain to me how does the “point giveth, point taketh” system works? I am really curious.

Edit: thanks for the replies! Now I know that I have to roughly win some rounds to keep up with the points.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/zh835d/hard_fought_win_21_with_performance_bonus_5_and/
  • https://reddit.com/zh835d

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