Hard stuck Gold, Sped through Plat, now Diamond 1 w/light shield strategy. AMA

Posted by Steve

Monday, September 5, 2022 10:07 AM

DISCLAIMER: THE TITLE IS MISLEADING, GOT TO DIAMOND WHILE USING STRAT, NOT "THIS STRAT GOT ME TO DIAMOND". If you thought I got to diamond BECAUSE of the strat, I'm sorry, but that was not the only factor and you can move on from this post. Sorry for the trouble. as far as I know, I cannot change the title anymore, so here you go.

I was hard stuck Gold for a many months and tested a light shield strategy, but people would ostracize me for it. I stopped using light shields and didn't think about it for a while. Then people were made aware of it because EG (I think) used the strat. It made me want to continue testing and I have now have a pretty good understanding of the pros and cons.

I got through Gold and then my Plat games were easy to get through and I gathered enough info to confidently switch between buying light and heavy shields, depending on the situation.

Ask me whatever you'd like to know about any problems you see and I can answer what or why I do things in certain situations. If you wanna see it live, Let me know and I'll leave you my twitch link.

Edit: First off, thank you to all the feedback and support from the non-toxic part of the community. The people open to thinking about this game differently. Second, I got to Diamond while using this strat, but it was not the only factor to my climb. Second I am done replying to any negative people. If you have an opposing view, I welcome it and will discuss my thoughts on it. If you're just here to belittle me, then I will simply downvote and ignore you. Those making negative comments or those that tell me that I'm just flat out wrong don't seem like they've even attempted this and therefore, their statements are invalid to me. I'm going to stop responding to the negative because it's simply not good for my mental health and it can really affect me. I wanted to make this post for the community willing to learn. I teach people. Simple as that, but a part of you seem to be trying to simply hurt me or don't want to listen to anything out of the norm. Again, if you have an opposing view, please tell me why and I will tell you why I agree, disagree, or partially agree with you. Change my mind if you fell confidently right. Otherwise, there's a subreddit called r/roastme for those of you that want to intentionally hurt someone.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/x538vg/hard_stuck_gold_sped_through_plat_now_diamond_1/
  • https://reddit.com/x538vg

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