Posted by Steve
Wednesday, November 11, 2020 9:38 AM
Hi guys I’m a hard stuck plat/gold as the title says. I hit gold in beta plat in act 1 and I’m still plat 1 / 2 I’ve gotten people to review my vods aim training it’d gotten to the point where I can queue with my friends. Right now I think I’m gold 3 and I’ll almost always match/ team mvp but just can’t rank out of plat. Any advice I’m desperate at this point
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I started gaming as an adult and Valorant is my first FPS (strict parents). The whole experience has been fun but overwhelming!
By sub-iron...
Posted by Otto
Tuesday, May 3, 2022 5:19 AM
Would I be able to get good at this game using a high sens?
I wrist aim and use 0.42 @ 1200DPI. I can’t use my arm that well due to a physical disability. I really want to get good at this game but most people tend to use low sens, is using a higher sens futile?
Posted by Otto
Monday, November 8, 2021 1:43 PM