Harmless but mildly annoying (perhaps only to me) bug with Gekko in the Escalation game mode

Posted by Steve

Monday, May 8, 2023 12:17 PM

So, in escalation if you get raze's showstopper and there is a Gekko on either team, he will say the second thrash voicelines. In a normal game when you pick up thrash and use it again the voiceline is different from the first use. So in escalation your team's Gekko says "She's going again" and enemy Gekko says "Thrash isn't done with you" or "She's still gunning for ya" while firing the showstopper. It's kinda annoying to me. 'Anyone else feel like that? Just me? Oh okay.' (😉)


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/13aj0cq/harmless_but_mildly_annoying_perhaps_only_to_me/
  • https://reddit.com/13aj0cq

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