Has anyone else been experiencing drastic lag spikes since the act 3 update?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, May 8, 2021 1:14 PM

I play on Singapore 1 or 2 servers where I usually get around 9-20 ping on a normal day. My Internet speeds are in the range of 50mbps and 200mpbs on an average day. However, ever since the update I've really found the game to be unplayable. I've been getting constant ping spikes shooting up from 10ping to the hundreds. It makes jiggle peeking impossible, taking gun fights impossible and has given me motion sickness over the past few days. It's really annoying being teleport around the map as you try to execute plays like taking a peek and a shot, instead you end up in a completely different location out in the open. I've been constantly reseting my Internet and clearing my DNS but it's never worked for me. I've dropped out of diamond 1 and now am hardstuck in plat 2 again. I honestly don't know how else I can fix this its been going on for over a week and I'm growing impatient. I can't create content anymore as it's nearly impossible to play for over an hour without the need to vomit. If anyone has answers it would really mean alot to me :)


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/n6x4kc/has_anyone_else_been_experiencing_drastic_lag/
  • https://reddit.com/n6x4kc

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