Has anyone else gotten random penalties upon joining?

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, December 20, 2022 8:41 AM

The last 2 times I’ve gotten on valorant, I’ve gotten a random penalty for something I didn’t do.

The first it was for leaving a match. I check my career and find a match that I was supposedly in, except that I was afk from since the beginning of round 1, and I know that I never joined a match that day.

I thought maybe someone got my password or something, so I changed it and went on about my day.

I hop on today to find a queue dodge penalty, however the last time I was on I never queue dodged, and I normally don’t queue dodge.

I was wondering if anyone else has seen this. My only guess is that somehow it’s putting me in lobby’s after I exit valorant, but I have no clue?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/zpumia/has_anyone_else_gotten_random_penalties_upon/
  • https://reddit.com/zpumia

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