has anyone else's mmr been hit or is it just me?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, March 6, 2021 1:00 AM

I haven't seen a post about it, title basically.

2 act ago (before rr system) I was immortal, playing daily, having fun etc.

Next act (rr coming in and everyone placed in plat3 or lower) I was stuck around diamond 3 while playing a lot less than I used to (but more than enough to keep my rank and not lose it due to inactivity), but my mmr was the same like I was still immortal, my gain was significantly more than my loss (for example my worst loss still resulted in less rr lost compared to rr gained on my hardest 16-14 win), wins were around +(26-32), losses were around -(19-24) rr. This was all consistent throughout the last act, from the start to the very end.

New episode, boom, my mmr is gone. It all went away overnight basically. So far +19, -24, +18rr for the games I played this act in diamond 2. I know, mmr decaying over time is a thing, but I'm not sure if it's supposed to happen like this, literally no transition, unless it's intended, and if that's the case I shouldn't be the only one experiencing this, so anyone else?

Also something I find funny: I haven't been below diamond 2 for well over half a year, so even if I'm having a bad form, why would the system hate me even when I'm diamond 2? Should I be plat 3? Why tho?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lxzwn7/has_anyone_elses_mmr_been_hit_or_is_it_just_me/
  • https://reddit.com/lxzwn7

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