Has anyone ever delivered on paying you to clutch?

Posted by Steve

Friday, November 13, 2020 6:31 PM

Has anyone ever delivered on paying you to clutch?

I've got to say, last night was a first for me.

I came home from work, fired up my old 1080 and went in on some Valorant.

I solo queued doing quite well, until I got picked up by a couple of players. Eventually one of them started offering cash for an Ace to the whole team. Fast forward to the last round of the game (12-11 iirc) enemy team loses a player, stakes loosen a little and a 4k nets me $20.

I've been playing FPS on PC for about 11 years now and this one is a first for me haha.

Has anyone else had luck like this?

Sorry I wasn't recording at the time or I would include the clip, instead here is a screenshot of the money.



  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/jsax9v/has_anyone_ever_delivered_on_paying_you_to_clutch/
  • https://reddit.com/jsax9v

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