Has there been any news on a replay system?

Posted by Steve

Saturday, January 9, 2021 6:45 PM

Some background: I just started playing a week or so ago. I play league and overwatch so I just assumed this had a replay system as well. I go to the career page to open a replay to see what I did wrong, but there aren't replays; which kind of confused me.

It also would be useful to go back and catch cheaters like in Overwatch as you can see how their mouse moves (aim hacking) and how they're looking and moving about the map (wallhacking). I just experienced someone I suspected of wallhacking today but I have no way to 100% confirm my theory because I have no way of replaying the game vod.

I looked this up and saw they made comments about it back in July, but I've seen nothing since. Have there been any more statements since then or is it just radio silence?


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/ktkvri/has_there_been_any_news_on_a_replay_system/
  • https://reddit.com/ktkvri

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