Have they not fixed REMAKE yet?

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, March 31, 2021 6:02 PM

I had an emergency happen right after we finished agent select and I told me team exactly what was happening and that I had to leave and they should remake. I disconnected in the middle of the first round. I just logged back in and saw that they played til round 5 and the took the FF.

Has remake been fixed yet to where it would have kicked me the moment I disconnected and not wait an extra round? I took a huge RR loss and deranked and I'm assuming so did my teammates for having to leave. It was an emergency I had to attend to so I feel bad for those teammates I had to bail on and hope it wasn't because the game didn't technically kick me til round 3 that they had to take the RR loss too.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/mgurw3/have_they_not_fixed_remake_yet/
  • https://reddit.com/mgurw3

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