Have you noticed an influx of duelists who teach controllers how to use abilities?

Posted by Steve

Thursday, January 19, 2023 1:00 AM

In recent Silver queues, I'm encountering defending duelists, whose sole strategy is to rush towards enemy spawn as soon as the round begins, telling me not to smoke/wall because I'm stealing their chance to get a first blood. For once, I agree and do not setup on the site they are holding and then they fall dead.

As the next round is about to begin in 12 seconds, they bunny-hop to the other site and say "I'll hold this one" leaving me no choice but to smoke entry points of the unguarded site. Then they have the audacity to say "Brim you should smoke as deep into the attack side as possible not near the site entries." Mf that only works if you hold the site!

I dont randomly drop my smokes. I see which angles my team is holding, and which they aren't and smoke accordingly. I place my stars and do a pull/smoke/stun as the duelist asks.

I know pre-round setups can alert the enemy. I assess previous rounds and avoid the obvious. I agree if a teammate asks me not to wall so they can use the element of surprise. But moments later these gung-ho dumb folks declare their presence in the loudest ways possible before even spotting an enemy and then wait for my toxic screen before entering. What was the point of not placing the wall pre-round then, in this scenario?

They blame me for using my kit on the wrong site - which they were about to push 7 seconds before changing their mind. These kids fool around making d*cks with bullets pre-round while I place my stars (or fake stars) and then force me to change the setup mid round.

But I dare not speak over them cuz they will very sincerely remind me of the number of kills they have more than me. Little do they realise that the only time they are able to frag is when I use my util and the only time I can't frag is when the enemy was able to flank the controller in the middle from both sides because they asked me not to use my util.

Not all players are like this, though. Some even suggested ways to use my utils that helped us win the round. This is about those negative IQ players who "demand" that I don't use my util at all.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/10efrmd/have_you_noticed_an_influx_of_duelists_who_teach/
  • https://reddit.com/10efrmd

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