Help with my mental after many losses

Posted by Steve

Monday, January 2, 2023 1:14 AM

Guys I was on my rank up to A2 and lost and now I’ve lost so many games in a row. Im almost D1 now. I mostly play Sova and I previously had a high win rate with him. But now the ranks that I had felt were easy on my way to Ascendant, I can’t seem to win a single game. Whether bottom frag or top frag by a shitload, I can’t win. I don’t just focus on kills I focus on setting my team up with darts and drones and usually frag out myself. But every round seems like there are no trades and I have to clutch against 3-5 players every round. Please give me some advice this game was so easy before but now I can’t win. I might have lost 15 games in a row across the last 3-4 days



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