Here are some fairly known game sense tips that people should know.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, January 9, 2021 9:24 PM

Sadly, even though the game has been out for a while, some of these things aren't used by most players at least in mid-low elo.

  1. If Brim/Sova has their ult up post plant, chances are they are playing long or really far back so they can stall time. You may not win the round, but please tap the bomb to make them burn the ult at the least.
  2. If you have numbers make sure you have at least one person on each site if their omen has his ult up. You might throw the round if you leave the site free since he can teleport and get a free plant.
  3. If Brim/Sova have their ult on defense and you have yet to plant the bomb, don't plant default. They may use the ult to hit default and could possibly kill you if you are low. Sova could also use his lineups if he knows them.
  4. Specific to bind, don't abandon sites too early. It's very easy for people to use TP and take the site for free. At the very least, keep one person on each site until you hear the bomb being planted on the next site.
  5. Shoot the bomb if KJ is on the enemy team. They probably mollied it. If they are really sweaty and you don't see any mollies on the bomb, they might have a lineup for that. So be prepared to shoot it the second it lands.
  6. If Jett uses her ult at the start of the round and you hear both updrafts being used, just wait it out, don't peek to some weird angle. Especially now with those super jump videos.
  7. If a Phoenix is ulting in a 1 v 1 you can usually try and wrap around to kill the body if you hear them running into site. Obviously not possible every time but it works really well most times.
  8. If you get stunned by Breach's ult/E try your best to go for a headshot, spraying won't work because of the reduced attack speed.
  9. Sova's recon bolt can be smoked off. This works best on Jett, but omen works too if you have the mechanics for it.
  10. Keep an eye on the enemy econ, if they can't buy rifles, chances are they will buy a bucky/stinger and hold closer angles. So, try to maintain your distance in gun fights.
  11. If the enemy team has a viper with her ult up on defense, chances are high that if she ults early in the round, she is going to solo hold the site on her own and her team is going to stack the other one.
  12. If the enemy team has a cypher and he is able to ult, the most obvious play is to go the empty site. You can use this to your advantage and try to rotate early to the empty site.
  13. This might be seen as a bitch move, but if a Reyna ults early into the round, you can just wait out her ult if possible. It has a timer on it.
  14. Never save on the first two rounds unless it's a rifle, you lose more money than you save by holding on to a ghost/stinger/spectre. Just die, you get an ult point.
  15. Pay attention to the ult points on the enemy team, if they are one point or two points away, they might try to be greedy and grab an ult point. A little luck and you can spam the smoke for a kill on a sitting duck.
  16. If you have a viper on the team and she plans to ult, get a shorty. People are going to be 1 hp and you can spam the viper pit.
  17. Let's say you guys have almost won the round, its 4 v 1 or a 3 v 1. Most people will just go and try to hunt the last guy who is probably saving. If you plan to do this, look at your econ. If you guys force bought that round, it may not be worth the risk of dying to kill the last guy. Because if you do die, then you won't have enough money for the next and you might have to force/light buy again. This has the biggest impact in the third round if you have lost pistol and the second round, and are full buying on the third.

Feel free to add any tips that I may have missed.

Happy Climbing :)



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