Hey there, Viper main here. Just would like to know ya’ll opinions on Viper and her placement on the current meta and in general as a controller agent in game.

Posted by Steve

Thursday, December 31, 2020 7:00 AM

Do you guys think that she’s still a viable agent compared to other controller agents? I love her uniqueness as a controller that requires you to learn her more than other agents. Don’t get me wrong, other agents also take time to learn but Viper takes a lot of cake because of how her utility works. Unlike other smokers, you have to manually place her smokes on specific spots and angles compared to Omen and Brim who can easily place down smokes.

Plus, there’s the added bonus of pro’s reacting negatively to her being used in comp play. Even spectators in tournaments act like she’s an endangered species everytime a pro player uses her because of the notion that she’s not a viable character.

I have to agree to some points about how her kit is absolute garbage compared to other smokers, but I haven’t really heard about opinions from other players who main different agents so it would be neat to know.

Edit: To add, in what ways can she be improved/buffed? Is she alright with her current state or should there be an entire revamp on her kit considering how her smokes aren’t greatly effective.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kn1piw/hey_there_viper_main_here_just_would_like_to_know/
  • https://reddit.com/kn1piw

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