Hidden MMR is killing ranked

Posted by Steve

Friday, July 22, 2022 5:33 AM

Look.. I don’t know exactly what the fix is for this.

All I know is that I’m ascendant 1 and I’m playing 2 immortal players with no immortal players on my team. I was immortal 2 last act.

I feel like if you’re whatever rank, say G3, you should play against G2, G3, or P1. Im honestly cool with this up until immortal, then I think matchmaking should be more based off of hidden MMR than immortal 1-3 or radiant.

I won against the 2 immortal players 13-5 and I got like 25RR. Yes that’s a lot, but I’m still ascendant 1 bro. I should be clapping my way through ascendant back to immortal lol. Instead I’m playing immortal players with ascendant teammates.

I just don’t understand how a G1 player is supposed to rank up if he finds himself in a plat lobby because of his hidden MMR. Even if he match MVPs in that lobby he might get gold 2 lol. Don’t make that poor dude have to win 5-10 games in a rank he’s not even in to get out of gold.

Currently I’m playing immortal 1 players that are minimum 250RR away from me. I get it, I’m fine in those lobbies, but I would also like my rank to reflect that.

Obviously play better and just win everything, I get it lol. Just seems like hidden MMR makes it very hard to climb.

And yes I know this has always been an issue. Just today was a mess.


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/w47bsy/hidden_mmr_is_killing_ranked/
  • https://reddit.com/w47bsy

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