Posted by Steve
Friday, November 25, 2022 12:02 PM
I had an amazing climb this episode from bronze all the way up to gold 3. I was playing very consistently for the first time for a while, winning most of my games and going positive for nearly every game I played, occasionally top fragging.
Now that I'm Gold 3, it feels like I'm new to the game again. I'm dying a LOT and bottom fragging a lot. I went from doing really well to struggling each game... I'd really like to feel like I'm actually good at the game again, and I definitely don't want to be hardstuck gold the way I was hardstuck bronze. I was also doing really well in my deathmatches before, I don't know if DM matchmaking is totally random or not, but I'm not doing so hot there either.
Any tips? If it means anything, I'm a Sage main, but I also play a lot of Chamber. If needed, I'll play Omen for smokes, and I love playing Jett but refrain from doing so unless I'm playing with friends or there's no other duelist because I noticed there's a 50/50 chance of me actually fragging out or just losing all my duels, which is not a risk I like to take. And I'm not a big fan of playing initiator, so I almost never do...
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