honestly whats the point of ranking up

Posted by Steve

Tuesday, June 14, 2022 8:55 PM

Dont get me wrong in every game i play i only play the ranked gamemode and i have ranked up to plat in valorant

I was on my demote game back to g3 and this whole game the enemy team seemed like really good players

I was getting one tapped everytime i would peek a corner or if they peeked me they would still one tap me

It makes me so mad getting one tapped it makes me feel like i couldnt control that situation, no matter what i would do they would one tap me

And it made me think "if im getting constantly one tapped and cant do anything, why am i wanting and trying to go against better players"

Honestly after this game i have lost all motivation to climb or even play valorant,

im just posting this to ask for more motivation


  • https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/vbwszm/honestly_whats_the_point_of_ranking_up/
  • https://reddit.com/vbwszm

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