Posted by Steve
Tuesday, June 15, 2021 11:19 PM
Since Breeze came out, I've seen a lot of complaints leveled at it, and it's starting to get old. Most of them are complaints about the number of angles and the length of certain angles in the map.
Players say that the map is too open and that they have to check too many angles when rotating or pushing onto a site. But I'm gonna be real here and say that Breeze is really damn fun to play and (though I'm by no means a game designer) a really well designed map.
Yes, there are a lot of angles throughout the map. Yes, there are more huge open spaces on this map than all of the others. As such, it's a shame that there aren't any agents who excel at cutting up the battlefield and blocking off certain angles so that you can push onto and lock down sites more easily... oh wait, there are!
I feel like a lot of the people complaining about Breeze are the people who are completely unwilling to play controllers. Most of the people that I've interacted with, who don't like it, somehow expect the devs and map designers to adapt the maps to their playstyle rather than themselves adapt to new maps. I think Breeze forces teams to run at least one controller and ideally 2, which is something that isn't really necessary on any of the other maps.
I personally enjoy the change of pace, and the fact that Breeze forces players out of their comfort zone, and to play differently than they're used to.
Idk, I'm just spitballing here to be honest. If anyone disagrees and really does have some serious issues with the map, let me know, I'd love to talk about it.
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