How do you actually win fights?

Posted by Steve

Friday, June 24, 2022 6:02 AM


So, I've recently picked up Valorant, and it's fun. However, I do find it difficult trying to play the game w/ double digit deaths due to the insta-kill headshot mechanic and nigh-silent footsteps mechanic.
This isn't a complaint about the aforementioned mechanics, but rather how to adapt/deal w/ them.

Point is, after coming from other games where footsteps could constantly be heard and headshot damage could be negated, I'm struggling to overcome these new boundaries imposed by Valorant as they end up resulting in my death one way or another. Therefore, I've decided to ask this subreddit for advice on this matter.
Also, if it helps, I exclusively use shotguns only because the other guns felt awful to use.
Also, blinds feel terrible to play against; do they have a counter to any degree?

Any advice is greatly appreciated in advance.



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