How is auto firing ever better then burst firing other than for random kills through smoke

Posted by Steve

Saturday, July 16, 2022 5:05 AM

I'm pretty new to Valorant and never played CS but coming from typical fps games like Battlefield, Halo, and even Rainbow to an extent auto firing any of the base rifles and most other guns seems sooooo much worse for your accuracy then firing in bursts.

But in a lot of gameplay I watch it seems like people still spray relatively effectively even at long range. I'm just wondering if it's just a low ELO thing and once I get to higher ranks there's a better way of auto firing that people have figured out. But it seems like short, controlled bursts always win fights vs auto when crosshair placement isn't perfect

Additionally TTK, for me at least, seems really slow if you go for primarily body shots rather than pausing your burst and re-adjusting your aim for the head

All this is why the guardian seems really good because it has near perfect accuracy when fired in bursts and the time between shots gives plenty of time to reset your accuracy for headshots. Inspite of this I don't really see the guardian valued all that high so I'm just curious as to why auto is more valued then bursts.

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