How big is Valorant's potential and do you think it'll get anywhere near it?

Posted by Steve

Monday, December 21, 2020 4:07 AM

I'm curious what you guys think about Valorant now that First Strike is over and we now get to see how the esport scene is shaping up to be. I think it definitely has the potential to become a bigger esport than other FPS like Overwatch, Siege, and even CS:GO and I think its on a slow but steady pace towards it. LANs haven't come back yet, but once it does, I think will help Valorant's growth greatly. Also, FPS aside, how well do you think Valorant will do compared to other non-FPS games, primarily games like LoL and Dota. I'm curious to see your guys' opionions.

I made the same post on the r/esports subreddit here.



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