How do you build up the courage and confidence to comms in solo queue?

Posted by Steve

Friday, December 16, 2022 1:43 PM

Im quite new to this game and Im new to talking with random people online through the mic. I have bad anxiety cases, and I never felt this type of anxiety online, even when Im an introvert.

The thing with Val comms is that you can have really chill and supportive teammates, to absolute loud af mics or just insults and screaming noises in the background.

Not only that, sometimes you even get teamed up with some child and it makes me even more comfortable.

When I do play with my friends, we just voice chat together through another app cuz we dont want random strangers listen to us going crazy lmao.

Another thing to me: The Language Barrier. I use the Singaporean server, and yeah watching them texting in chat or screaming in their own language really makes me uncomfortable and not confident enough to comms.

How do you guys deal with this problem?



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