Posted by Steve
Monday, July 4, 2022 9:38 PM
It happens almost every game, someone just had to be disrespectful af to everybody or me and they never get banned. Valorant has a godtier anticheat going into your computer 100 miles deep but they can't detect when someone literally tries to murder you with abilities, shoots at you obnoxiously, denigrates and or offends other teammates cause they made mistakes... And the list goes on and on.
Today I just had to make this post to explain my anger revolving this issue; cause I forgot to plant a Raze player started trash talking like I was the most evil person in the world. I hope they make the rules to ban people more strict cause I already muted voice chat for this reason, I don't wanna lose on more info when playing just because people like to abuse other people in videogames.
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