How to counter KJ Ascent B site setup

Posted by Steve

Monday, January 31, 2022 8:12 AM

Me and my friends often 5 stack. We always hate the kj B site defense setup, and we were wondering how to avoid it. So far we have tried yoru steps to trigger the alarmbot (Works once or twice but then kj expects the steps and doesn't use here nanoswarms and who plays yoru tbh), raze nades to break the setup(so far the best one) , Breach aftershocks(setup was intact most of the time) and Brim ult(an ultimate to break a small setup isn't viable). I was looking for some more solutions on how to counter it.

TLDR:- How to counter KJ ascent b site setup, tried many abilities to counter it, still it's annoying and can't counter everytime, need some ideas to counter



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