How do you deal with « bad » friends ?

Posted by Steve

Friday, December 25, 2020 7:00 PM

Hello everyone,

I’m playing Valorant since the beta and with a friend we were like « let’s grind this game and be good ». Many months have passed since then, we play almost every evening. But he didn’t improve at all whereas I trained my aim, train agent, etc.

I would like to make it clear that I don’t care about his skill even though I trained my ass off alone. We’re playing together and having fun most of the time so it’s not the issue.

But he keeps complaining/whining so much during games « oh I am so bad » « oh it’s 1v4 I can’t win anyway » « I don’t play duelist cause I don’t know how to peak » and so on. He plays very passively with every agent (he wait for us to peak/entry kill then just follow, or is lurking without helping at all).

This began to annoy me and I don’t know what to do. I wouldn’t care much if he didn’t complain ALL THE TIME, but he has this loser mindset that I can’t fucking stand « oh they are monsters » « oh they must be diamonds » « it’s normal we lose ».

What would you do in my shoes ?

He is very sensitive so I don’t know how to bring this up without hurting his feelings. But I’m dying to scream « JUST PLAY, TRY TO DO SOMETHING INSTEAD OF INSTA GIVING UP. YOU ARE NOT EVEN TRYING TO CLUTCH A 1v2 DUDE COME ON ». Oh yeah he saves 1 round out of 3 because « I can’t clutch ».

I’d like to remind that I don’t care about his skill. What annoys me is the complain/self depreciation.



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