Posted by Steve
Wednesday, July 13, 2022 2:26 PM
I have finished last Episode in low P1, and had a very decent time with most of my mates. After reaching gold, there were barely any player whos didnt buy 2nd round after a pistol win, wouldnt eco or didn't use vc and pings, heck, most of them even knew most of the callouts. Now, this Act, I am currently Plat 3 and my lobbies are mostly P2-D2. The issue I have is nowadays, many (and I mean MANY) of my mates don't understand some fundamental basics of the game anymore. In the last few days I had multiple encounters with teams where 2-3 people wouldnt buy on 2nd round, force every round or even have teammates who had their entire voice chat muted. First, I thought it had to do with the ranked-shifting (adding Ascendant), but I usually queue with people who were a similar rank (most of the time even a bit higher) than me last act. I cant think of a reason why there are so many "throwers" in my games rn, who basically just know how to flick and have a decent crosshair-placement... Is anybody else noticing this trend?
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