How do you get your team to entry with you?

Posted by Steve

Monday, December 19, 2022 1:00 PM

For starters, I'm a Raze main so naturally I love satchel jumping into someones face with a shotgun. I play in gold3-plat3.

I have this problem in every single game I play. Nobody ever follows when you entry. Sometimes its stupid entry and I die of course, its not always their fault. But most of the times you get into site and get one or two kills, then you look back at your team and literally all of them are just sitting there peeking at nothing. Takes like 10-20s for them to actually come plant the bomb which can often decide who wins the round. Like its actually surreal watching 4 people sit in main while you have the whole site for yourself. Doesnt matter how much you ping or tell them to come into site, theyre as clueless as rocks. I even tell them beforehand that I'm going to jump but it doesnt matter.

Is there actually any way to counter this? Obviously I've tried the pep-talk saying they need to follow when I jump in etc. I tried to wait and match their speed and entry when I think theyre ready. I feel like the first entry is so important too cause then theres at most 3 people on one site which is waaay easier to pick off than 5 people after the defenders rotated cause it took us a whole minute to start getting into site. idk if I'm too dumb to realize theres a strat to that, but whatever strat that is, never worked for my team.



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