How do you (girls) comm in valorant?

Posted by Steve

Friday, January 7, 2022 4:07 AM

I play in Asia(Hongkong server) and Plat 2, I solo-q, sometimes duo. I'm female myself, I only do comms when I'm usually in top of the board even then I'm still uncomfortable. Even if I'm playing my utilities well, for example supporting as Astra if I am not fragging good, I don't comms. Although I do communicate what I am gonna do before the round start, especially I'm more of a duelist main and need to create space for my team. I'm really fine in Trashtalking but not a fan of those who go over the board like when they trashtalk your parents, or telling to go die or more over the board things like that

Yes, I know sometimes males get shitted on comms as well, I've played with some girls who's like that on bot fragging duelist. Altho, I am not really q-ed with girls ( at least those who comms ) as much as I get q-ed with guys on a team.



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