Posted by Steve
Saturday, July 16, 2022 11:33 PM

Kirby only has two abilities:
Swallow (E) - Kirby walks up to an agent in the game and swallows them whole for a few seconds. Kirby can press E again to poop them out, except now Kirby has one charge of that agent's (E) ability. TBD whether Kirby can swallow allies and get their abilities too.
Jump (Q) - Kirby jumps high in the air, similar to Jett updraft. Kirby has a recharging charge bar like Neon or Viper. Each time Kirby uses Q, some of the bar depletes. Once the bar is empty, Kirby can no longer use Q.
ULTIMATE: Air Ride (X) - Kirby rides a star to any location on the map (similar to Omen), and dazes all enemies within a radius, upon landing in the location. Cannot be canceled.
PASSIVE: Like Jett, as long as the jump button is held, Kirby can stay afloat in the air and will not take any fall damage.
Also because of Kirby's unique body shape, Kirby's hitbox is different from every other Valorant agent. Kirby has a spherical hitbox, and (except for Kirby's feet) any shot on Kirby registers as a headshot.
Here is some custom artwork I did to demonstrate what Kirby would look like with a classic:
So what do you think? Would you main Kirby, and would this be a meta pick on some maps?
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