Posted by Steve
Friday, October 29, 2021 9:38 AM
Let me explain, I was ranking on LAN, I'm not proud of being iron 2, I'm trying to improve my rank (I'm not precisely good with my aim but I try to give smokes cover and call outs, still learning but trying to help), so I went to ranked.
The thing is one jett and one Reyna decided the rest of the team sucked and remained almost the whole match on spawn, saying that the other three of us suck, that it's a miracle having a yoru on your team and win (our team comp was:jett, Reyna, yoru, Sage and Astra "me").
And then when we went on attack they kidnapped the spyke holding it for themselves and stayed in spawn, they only went out to get on top of us for kills but as soon as they get an advantage on kill, then go back to spawn, specially the Reyna, jett was aiming weird and besides I won against her. And the worst thing was they are iron 1, I would expect that from a very high ELO or even our sage was bronce 3, and she carried a lot, but it was a very helpful person for the match
Now my question do you guys deal with that kind of jerks? I reported them, but Ive seen in this sub that reporting is not that useful however I did, but what are your tactics against this
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