How do you handle heavy criticism.

Posted by Steve

Saturday, November 20, 2021 12:31 PM

For context I was playing yesterday after I came back from a 10 hr day at college. Just sat down and wanted to unwind. I did pretty well in a dm and I ran a comp. In the comp I was doing ok in the first half. I wasn't over preforming but I wasn't dragging the team down. Eventually i open my mic to start sharing comms. I usually don't do this in the very beginning to avoid toxic players but the two other teammates seemed friendly so I thought I'd join in. The second I opened my mic the Reyna calls me out and says "there's no way that's the first comm you make, stay muted dipshit". From there it just ruined my entire mood. Move over to second half and I get only 3 kills that entire half with the Reyna just calling me for being shit. Yes I wasn't playing good but I feel like if he just hadn't said anything I mightve preformed better. Near the end I just turned off team comms and we eventually lost with me only getting 8 kills in a 9-13 game. Yes I know I did shit but that Reyna just killed my mood. I would love to stack with my friends but they're all in gold while I'm in diamond. How do you guys get around this problem.



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