How I would buff Yoru

Posted by Steve

Wednesday, September 8, 2021 11:05 PM

I'm sure everybody is tired of these but I'll make it quick:

  1. His Util is absurdly loud, like hear it across half the map loud, so simply decrease the volume (edit: just down like 2 notches, not significantly like I think how some of you guys are getting at)

  2. Make the range in which an enemy can see his tp or his ult a tad smaller, not by much, but enough where I'm not running into people constantly on an open site

  3. I'm not sure if it already does this, but make Sova's recon arrow reveal his footsteps like an actual player, if right clicked, then the silhouette would just be standing, and if left clicked, then a player running

  4. Make the animation where he starts to do to his tp shorter, if I wanna use it like a getaway, it shouldn't take long enough for people to hit me 4 times and kill me



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