Posted by Steve
Sunday, November 22, 2020 11:48 PM

Here is the video link:
I've seen many guides from proguides and gameleap and they've started recycling content. I've seen "THE ONLY AIM GUIDE YOU NEED" for the thousandth time. So I made a video to give some actual tips that have proven to work for me. This is a text version and I'll go rank by rank.
I started in iron during the beta and I know how it feels to be in low elo. I know the struggle. This is where lots of people who have no fps experience like I did when I started will place. Iron is a fiesta. People have no idea what they’re doing. They run and shoot, use only shotguns, and there are no stats except rushing a site. These are the things I did in iron so don’t be ashamed if you do any of these things. The way I got out of iron was by playing the game. Playing the game will get you out of iron very quickly. You just need to learn the game and its mechanics. This could mean playing ranked, unrated, or spike rush. Your goal here is to get the hours in so you at least have an idea of what you’re doing. Many people just play for fun in iron, they might play one game every now or then so they don’t have that experience in the game. So what I did was just play the game and that got me out of iron really fast.
Moving on to silver. Congrats you have passed the two lowest ranks and now have a basic sense of the game. As a silver, you know what you are doing. You will have an understanding of the fundamentals of the game. In silver, teams are a bit more coordinated but strategies are still not present as people don’t have the aim to actually execute those strategies.So what do we do from here? How do we climb to gold? Because in gold, there are some insane aimers who should be a bit higher in rank but decide to play with their brain off. In silver, you want to start being a bit more focused on your aim. Simply put, the aim will get you quickly to gold. In order to start improving your aim, you will need to limit what agents you play. This is because if you play too many agents, you will be too busy learning the agent during the game, instead of focusing on your aim.I played phoenix only to climb out of silver After you have chosen an agent you want to play, start playing deathmatch and going to the practice range before games. This will help you build muscle memory and make sure your hands are warm and ready to play valorant. Another thing I recommend in silver is to start to play with a friend. Duo queueing in my opinion is the best way to climb other than having a committed 5 stack. Starting to duo queue will get you used to communicating and make you familiar with what I think is the best way to climb in general.
This rank has many different kinds of people. People who all aim no brain. People who were lucky in their games and don’t deserve gold. There are washed up diamonds and recently demoted plats. So you can, there is a lot o f skill diversity here. So what should you do? The most important thing to do is start to improve your game sense. Yes, still work on improving your aim but game sense will get you out. This means working on utility usage, positioning, and general map awareness. Players in gold are very egoistic. They all think they deserve a higher rank and go do stupid solo plays. These are the “i drop 20 frags every game and not rank up” players. Instead, you need to out-think them instead of out aiming these players. This means being aware of players who do these things and make a plan to kill them. Let's start with utility usage. You need to be able to effectively use your utility so you don’t use it all at once and not have any utility to push a site or stop a push. A common bad habit I see is sage players throwing a slow orb after their wall is being broken. Don’t do this unless you know there is pushing up. A lot of times people just break the wall and leave. This can also apply to other agents so think before you use a piece of utility. When you die, you need to think about your positioning. Were you in a one and done position? Meaning a position with no escape route. Were you peeking by yourself or into an oper? Did you use this position before and enemies are pre-firing you? These are some questions you need to think about to improve your positioning. Lastly, for gold players, the little thing in the top left, the minimap, yeah it's pretty important to look at. The minimap will give you insane amounts of info. Sometimes you might not be able to see an enemy, but you will be able to see the question mark pop up on your screen. You can also see enemy utility such as Sova recon darts and make decisions with your team based on that. The minimap is underutilized in gold. When I was in gold. I was also egoistic and thinking I should be plat and got quickly frustrated. Once I thought about these questions when I died, instead of blaming something or someone, then I started improving. So to the golds, you need to start thinking about your actions and improving your game sense.
Our next rank will be platinum. You are now on the higher end of the spectrum. People start taking the game more seriously when they hit plat. Now, when I hit plat I was very happy. So happy I stopped focusing. I dropped gold multiple times and then hitting plat multiple times. Now, what I did for climbing out of plat was 2 things actually. One, having an aim training routine and watching vods. I decided that if I wanted to improve, then I should start practicing outside of the game. So I did 30 mins of aim training in aimlabs before I went to sleep every day. This helps build muscle memory as doing things before you sleep help you learn those things faster. If you guys want, I can give you my routine just let me know in the comments. For reviewing my vods, this was important. Instead of asking a question after I died, I would be able to better understand what mistakes I made and needed to improve. Another thing to remember is not to look at the deaths only. It’s also important to see what you did well so you can continue that in your other games. I recommend vod reviewing by yourself, with a higher elo friend
If you reached the end, thank you for reading. This is the first guide and youtube video I've made. I hope this will help you climb and give you tips that have proven to work.
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