Posted by Steve
Sunday, June 6, 2021 1:00 AM
Hey everyone, I hope you are doing well. My friends and I have recently gotten really into this game and are grinding our way through competitive on a 5 stack. We are currently very low rank (in the Bronze range) but we have big ambitions and are slowly climbing through the ranks. What's nice is that our playstyles all lend themselves to good team comp most of the time, we have a consistent top-fragging duelist who mains Jett/Reyna, smokes with our Astra/omen main, great post plants and defense with both our Viper and Cypher combo, and finally, you have me who has been the healer playing as Sage. Playing and strategizing with my friends has been a joy, and I can't imagine playing any other way. But an issue I have been facing, is that as a Sage main I don't feel like I'm able to experiment with too many other agents, or at least not in comp when rank is on the line. While our Viper will occasionally play Sova or Jett, and our duelist will try Raze or Yoru, our Cypher carry as Skye, and even our smoke has popped off playing Phoenix, whenever I try to play any other agents, all of us can't help but think to ourselves "Wouldn't it be nice to have healing or res here?" Don't get me wrong, I love Sage, between the slow orbs, the wall, and of course, the heals and res, I've been having a blast playing her, learning lineups and wall extensions. But I am a bit worried that I will always be the Sage player, and that because of that I am missing out on other agents. Do any other Sage main ever feel this way? If so how do you go about it?
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Posted by Otto
Sunday, April 24, 2022 7:00 PM
My friend sent me the new agents leaked trailer, i marked it as a spoiler as not everyone wants to see the abilities yet.

Posted by Otto
Sunday, February 28, 2021 6:31 AM
I'm a bit disappointed with the split changes...
Posted by Otto
Monday, January 16, 2023 5:33 PM